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The Three of Swords

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Sorrow - a feeling of deep distress caused by loss.

This card shows a heart with three swords piecing directly through it from all angles.

I can hardly look at this card without bursting into tears! This week one of my precious puppies died. I did all I could. Mouth to mouth for the whole trip to the vet. But my poor little Kilo didn't make it.

When you are suffering a loss it is extremely difficult to push past your emotions and think logically of how you should proceed. However, swords are about our ability to mentally move forward. And the Three of Swords doesn't have to mean loss or sorrow.

First, Tarot cards have different meanings and it is up to us to try and apply the interpretation to our current circumstance.

The positive interpretation is that you are mentally prepared to get to the "heart of the matter". So with any situation or issue that has been giving you trouble, it is now time to take a look and see what is really going on. With complete self awareness you can sort it out.

The not so positive interpretation is that we feel betrayed or let down in love, emotionally hurt in some way. The last thing you want to hear is that logic or reason can help you out, but there is hope. I had a friend tell me (when she was down) she allows herself to wallow (to remain in an unhappy emotional state without trying to get out of it). There IS a time to wallow, but give it a end-date. Three days of wallowing is good, then move on. I am not telling you that you can get over your loss in three days. But I am telling you that if you suppress your feelings, the feelings get stronger and tend to never go away.

So feel sad and accept your loss. You don't have to do it alone. Enlist the help of family or friends. Allow yourself some time. Wallow, then move on with the understanding that others are going through pain also.

No matter which interpretation of the Three of Swords applies to you this week, the meaning is clear. This week is a good time to examine our true feelings, get to the heart of the matter, and create a path to move forward.

Rest in peace little Kilo.....

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