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The Three of Pentacles

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Collaboration - working together towards a balanced outcome.

Three men sit below three pentacles. The pentacles are nestled in the branches of a tree. Above the pentacles (also seemingly attached to the branches of the tree) is the head of a woman (the Earth-Mother). The Earth-Mother's eyes are clouded over in white. Two of the men below are gazing outward, with looks of comptemplation on their faces. One man is looking down at plans held by one of the other men.

Pentacles represent the material world and the number three is linked with creativity, communication and results.

Let's break it down. These guys are working on a project of some kind. They are putting their heads together to implement the plans they have before them. Trees represent growth and the Earth-Mother connects us to our well-being using inner wisdom and vision.

The Three of Pentacles is the card of collaboration. Working with others to get a job done or a project started. Although normally associated with work, the card could represent many areas of your life. That is, couples working together to create a closer bond. In the realm of work, many hands lighten the load, meaning working together with someone is the best way to get a job done.

This week look ahead at what is on your plate. If you are overloaded, then ask someone to help. If someone else is overloaded, then offer to help them. Success can be achieved with the help of others this week.

A side note, I was just watching the Netflix series, 'Next in Fashion'. They had a episode on collaboration and the goal was to have designers work together to create fashion. However, the main focus, besides collaborating, was to make sure that each designers' point of view could be seen in the final garment.

Just because you are working with someone, doesn't mean that your esthetic or point of view is diminished. Work towards an outcome where everyone shines.

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