Tarot Magic
The Queen of Pentacles
Nurture - care for and encourage the growth or development of someone.
The card shows the Queen of Pentacles sitting on her throne. The Queen is holding a Pentacle in her right hand. Her glance is down cast, and she looks pensive. Above her head are grapes growing on vines. A rams head clasp is holding her cape together (the rams-head clasp represents the power to overcome and achieve). She is surrounded by various plants and flowers and vines of all types.
Pentacles are connected to the material world, the one we live in and relate to. The Queen of Pentacles represents the maternal side of the material world; nurturing; support; security. She is always there for you to lean on and learn from.
This card is nudging us to support or lend knowledge to someone less fortunate then ourselves. You might be able to help in ways that you were not aware of before. Lend a hand, reach out. This week look for ways to give.
The other side of this card may indicate the opposite. Are you helping and volunteering to a point that you are leaving yourself out? You need love and kindness also. So take care of yourself first and you will have the energy needed to help others as well.
But look out, there may be someone in your life trying to support and uplift you! Pay attention! And receive the nurturing and support that is being given.