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The Moon

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Shadow - a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.

The beautiful (Goddess looking) women is sitting below a star filled sky and a cresent moon. She doesn't have a care in the world. Her long beautiful hair is flowing behind her. Below her are murky depths with images of octopi.

When the moon is bright and full, it is easy to find your way. However this week we are in the phase of the New Moon (meaning unable to see the moon at all). With just a sliver of the moon peaking out at the end of the week.

How many times have we let our imaginations run wild and we worry about things that aren't even there. By pulling this card, we are reminded to shine a light on our concerns. Openly question things we are uncertain about. When we are standing in the light, it is easy to see our options. However, when we are in the shadows, our imaginations can get the best of us and we see things that aren't there.

It could also mean that we are hiding from the truth, or allowing ourselves to not face our fears but avoid them instead.

The phase of the New Moon is also a good time to start a new project. A new beginning, such as, love and romance, health, or job hunting. Do so this week with your eyes wide open.

As always, the key here is to use your intuition to guide you. Pay attention to your gut or those bright red flags that are waving all around.

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