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The Hierophant

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Senses - the way we experience the world around us.

The Hierophant sits on a throne of some kind. The back of the chair / throne is a circle with roses decorating the edges with a rim of gold. At the top of the chair (or perhaps attached to his cap) are wings. Beneath him appears to be two masks with flowing feathers adorning them. In his hand is a Papal Cross (which recognizes the authority of the Pope in the Catholic religion).

The Hierophant is card number five in the Major Arcana. Five is representative of our five senses. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. We use our senses to communicate. We experience joy and inspiration through our senses.

The Hierophant also represents knowledge and education.

In the USA we just celebrated Thanksgiving. As the story goes, friendly Native Americans taught the struggling colonists how to survive in what the Europeans called the New World. Then everyone got together to celebrate with a feast in 1621.

No matter what you believe these days, and whatever version of Thanksgiving you resonate to, it is still a good day to count our blessings. The Hierophant showing up right afterwards seems to be giving us a clue. Traditions are important. They keep us grounded. However, it is also important to note that you can get stuck in the past and not able to see a new way forward.

This week we celebrate our blessings. We celebrate our senses, as we can experience much joy through them (I am thinking about those vegan mashed potatoes I made - yummy!). Another of those blessings is the life lessons we have learned on our journey thus far.

Do not stay stuck on those ideas, people, or your circumstances that may be holding you back. Look beyond and draw upon the knowledge you have accumulated, but to see clearly use your imagination to create a different kind of future.

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