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Six of Cups

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Sharing - letting others rejoice in what you have.

The Six of Cups is a card filled with innocence and joy.

Two children are quietly playing together. They are sitting in a grassy yard in front of their home. Six cups are lined up in front of them. Four of the cups are filled with flowers. One child is holding a flower, while the other is putting a flower in one of the empty cups.

Sixes represent harmony and inner peace. Cups are associated with the element of water. The suit of cups is how we relate to the world, by looking through the lens of our own perception (emotions).

The kids on this card are quietly playing. They are intent on filling up those cups with the flowers and they are not thinking about another thing. They are in the moment.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to live in the moment? Not worrying about what has to be done, but focusing on the here and now. I like to say that you plan for the future but live in the now. As "grown-ups" it is hard to NOT to worry about stuff. But this card is telling us that this week it is time to let go.

Let go of:

  • Stress

  • Worry

  • Doubt

The holiday season is upon us and we could learn from the children on the card. Tap into that inner child and enjoy what is right in front of you.

I am not saying that list of "To Do's" needs to be thrown away! But make it more manageable. Work together with someone to accomplish your tasks. Make a list and designate. Many hands lighten the load. If you are alone and feel overwhelmed, give yourself the luxury of postponing some of the tasks and work on the most important ones. Don't beat yourself up about not getting everything done.

Affirmation: My point of power is in the present moment.

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