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Wisdom - something one gains with experience and education.

Lady Justice sits with a sword in one hand and the scales of justice in the other. Her eyes are whited out (Justice is blind). An owl representing wisdom sits at her feet. A bust of a man with wings stretching out from his head (symbolizing that decisions are influenced by those who have gone before us) extends up from her chair. She wears flowing robes and a wreath of flowers encircle her head.

Justice normally means decisions. Your entire life is about decisions! What time should I get up? Will I have coffee or tea this morning? Should I exercise before I go to work? Every step of the way is a decision to make. Do you think that by drawing this card today, it means, that a decision should be made? Maybe.


Do you feel judged? Are you judging someone else? Justice should be blind. That would mean, particularly today, that when making a decision, pay attention to all of the facts. Be truthful to yourself. What you think is fair, may not be fair to another. Remind yourself to look at all sides of an issue before emotions influence your decision.


A future outcome may be determined from the decisions you make today. Future actions can also be changed by the lessons learned in the present. Be aware, honest and arm yourself with knowledge of the situations you find yourself in.

I can't help but add that this is a continuation of the theme that started last week when the Ace of Swords was our card of the week. To carry it further, we were informed that a new beginning was at hand, therefore this week's "decision" may mean that you are getting somewhere. You have let go of the baggage from last year and you are moving forward. With progress, decisions are always necessary.

With all that said, focus your energy on the happy new year coming your way in the future!

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