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The Magician

Three of Wands_edited.jpg

Achievement - realizing our goals.

Young, handsome, mysterious, and confident the Magician is front and center on this card. He is holding a Wand in his upright hand. Above him are a Cup, a Sword, and a Pentacle. He is a master of all realms. He is encircled in an infinity symbol (after a fashion). The circle is made with a snake (symbolizing life force), while laurel leaves (peace) and flowers (beauty) are tucked around the curves.

More than any other card, this card represents the power of all the suits in the Tarot. The Magician is card number one in the deck (the next card after the Fool which is 0). Ones almost always represent new beginnings.

The Magician recognizes the inner and the outer you. He has the ability to make anything he wants happen. He uses all his senses to achieve his desires.

Wands: Element - Fire. Represents - new growth, energy and action.

Cups: Element - Water. Represents - Balance, clarity, relating to the world through our emotions.

Swords: Element - Air. Represents - Mental abilities, logical and rational decisions.

Pentacles: Element - Earth. Represents - Material aspects of our world; how we relate to living in and seeing ourselves in that world.

Imagine how wonderful to be able to draw upon all those resources to achieve your goals. The Magician showing up is a call to action to do just that. All the stars have lined up and you have the ability to move forward in a positive way.

Last week we saw the Page of Pentacles reflecting and then moving forward with energy and compassion. Think of the Page as the warm-up act and the Magician as the main attraction.

You have the ability to manifest your desires and realize your potential. It is wise to note that you may not have all of the answers. Knowledge is the way forward. Use all of your gifts to gain the knowledge needed. Focus on your goals and you will find that all you wish to accomplish will materialize.

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