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the two of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Two represent balance, duality, doubling strength or splitting power.

“You are where you are. Next step: Planning. You have the ability strategize, and

you have the time to do it. No need to push ahead until you have

put all your ducks in a row, as long as you start now.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows a strong, healthy figure leaning on a balcony looking down. From this vantage point, he is able to gaze far out to sea as well as see the landscape surrounding him. The scenery below reveals an ocean shore. The view includes vast beaches and forest lands. The two wands are directly behind him.

This man is in the prime of his life. He has seen success and is now contemplating his next step. From his viewpoint he can see far and wide. He can see all of the possibilities in front of him. His wands are at the ready waiting for any decisions that may be made.

While Wands call for energy and action, this Two of Wands doesn’t encourage a rush towards the finish line. Our strong, established figure on the card is thinking about his next steps and doesn’t appear to be in a hurry.

Okay, you have made it to this point. You are where you are. Next step: Planning. You have the ability strategize, and you have the time to do it. No need to push ahead until you have put all your ducks in a row, as long as you start now.

Start planning. That is key. Big things lie ahead, but, as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take your time and begin building on the foundation that has already been laid.

Because the figure on the card is gazing out into the vast beyond, I am thinking adventure. Vacation? Where have you always wanted to go? Plan it. First step, book a date. Remember, it doesn’t have to be to an exotic location. Maybe just a trip up north.

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