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the three of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Threes represent creativity, results, achievement.

“This card is reminding you that in order to reach your destination “your way” then be true to your authentic self. Opportunities are around every corner, so be fluid.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The Three of Wands shows a strong, abled body figure standing on a ledge, looking out at the landscape in from of him. He is holding his staff (wand) while the other two are directly behind him. He has paused on his journey to see which way he should go. The valley below him has options. The winding river or the bluffs. The sun is rising in the east and there are clouds in the sky with a hint of a pink sunrise close to the horizon.

The figure on the Three of Wands is already on his journey. He has reached a point where a decision needs to be made. He has choices and the opportunity to take different routes. The river and the bluffs stand for different paths. The sun coming up is the symbol of the dawn of a new day. The Wands stand for action.

Planning to start an adventure is the first step. Executing the plan is the next step. Our able-bodied figure on the card has committed to what he wants to do. As he stands on the bluff, he is deciding on the best way to go. He could take the river and get to his destination faster, or does he travel by land? A slower journey by land, yet he has the opportunity to gain experience along the way.

Now that you have decided on a course of action, you are on your way. But getting there makes all the difference. This card is really talking about long-term goals. You might start out in one direction, but if an opportunity presents itself, you can always switch gears.

There is a saying, “flexible is too rigid, be fluid”. There can also be many paths to the same destination. This card is reminding you that in order to reach your destination “your way” then be true to your authentic self. Opportunities are around every corner, so be fluid.

Today let’s look at what we are doing. Is there an opportunity for us to see things from a different direction? By exploring the possibilities and then being fluid about changing that direction, we could be opening up a whole new world in front of us.

Since this reading is just about what is on the plate today, it could just mean that you cave in and take your nephew to see Spider-Man No Way Home. Just saying.

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