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the ten of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Tens represent endings and beginnings, new destinations, fulfillment.

“It is time to discard the baggage you have been carrying.

This is not about mentally discarding baggage. The Ten of Wands is telling you to take actual steps to uncomplicate your life.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows a man carrying a heavy load. All ten wands are in a sack on his back. He has his hands up at his shoulders gripping onto the rope that is cinching the sack (that contain the wands). The road that he is walking on is long and winding. It appears that he has gone a long distance already. His face is downward cast. The landscape is lush and there is a pastel glow on the horizon.

Clearly the sack filled with wands represents the burdens we carry in life. The long winding road is the journey. The beautiful scenery and the sunset are hope.

This young man has been carrying a heavy burden for a long time now and it is showing in his face and his hunched back stance. He needs to discard his burden and move forward with a lighter load. Yet something, or someone has been holding him back and he feels a great sense of responsibility to continue on.

Tens in numerology signify an ending followed by a new beginning. Wands mean action. Take a look at what has been weighing you down. A job, a relationship? It is time to discard the baggage you have been carrying. This is not about mentally discarding baggage. The Ten of Wands is telling you to take actual steps to uncomplicate your life.

If you have been working on a project for a long time, what has been holding you back and kept you from finishing? In relationships, perhaps issues from the past have stopped you from fully committing. It’s time to move ahead.

Looks like you have been struggling with something, for a while now it seems. Any chance you can lighten the load? Try delegating today. Ask for help, instead of thinking that you can do it all.

If it is hard to ask for help, start small. Baby steps.

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