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the seven of wands

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Sevens represent dreams, illusions, magic.

“Today it is about defending your actions. You don’t have to get out the staff and actually do battle, but you definitely need to stick to your guns about any projects that you have been working on. You are right about this, have the courage to believe in yourself.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The Seven of Wands shows a young man poised for battle with his wand positioned, ready to strike. He has his back to us, and it appears that he has the “high ground” and is waiting for the approach of his enemies. Before him are the six remaining wands forming a barrier of opposition. Perhaps the enemy coming up the hill.

This young man is ready for battle, but the odds are against him, six to one. It is taking all the courage that he can muster to fight off his opponents. He is in a good position on the top of the hill. But it is up to him to defend that position and that takes courage.

So here is our young man, defending his position. He has worked hard to make it up the hill. So hard in fact that he is prepared to confront whoever it is marching up that hill. He is on the top of the hill where he can see clearly who is coming. He has chosen to stand his ground there instead of a more even playing field because he has the advantage.

The Seven of Wands is the Courage card. The young man is facing his demons. He is prepared to fight for his ideas, projects, home.

As sevens represent dreams and illusions, then what is it that you feel you need to fight for? As the young man has made it up the hill, that would indicate that this is not a new endeavor. It also indicates that the troubles are coming from an outside source.

Wands are about energy and action. What actions do you need to take to continue to have the success you have achieved? You should be ready for the competition to you defend your title, and to prove yourself. You must stick to your convictions.

Today it is about defending your actions. You don’t have to get out the staff and actually do battle, but you definitely need to stick to your guns about any projects that you have been working on. You are right about this, have the courage to believe in yourself.

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