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the nine of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Nines represent action, courage, self-confidence.

“Be prepared is today’s message. It is likely that a challenge will present itself, and

to be able to deal with it, you have to be ready.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows a figure standing tall. In his hands he holds a staff. Eight more staffs or wands are cemented into a stone wall directly behind him. They are forming a fence or barrier. He is not striking out but is calmly watching to see what is coming. He seems to be observing what is before him. There is a bandage around his head.

This young man is calm. He has built the wall behind him, and now he is resting and observing the road ahead. The wall was no easy feat. The stones cemented together to form the base are as a foundation would be. The Wands inserted into the wall stands for the different trials he has had to go through to get to this point. He has been able to overcome the obstacles he has faced. The bandage around his head signify that he has been hurt (physically or emotionally) along the way.

Our young man is tired. His wounds are still healing, but he is not done with his task. In order to keep going he has to be disciplined. He has the determination to keep going. A new challenge has not arrived, yet he is vigilant to whatever may come.

In life we encounter many challenges. The Nine of Wands is telling us that no matter what we have gone through, there is more to come. It takes a certain discipline and determination to keep going, but you are more than up to the task.

Be prepared is today’s message. It is likely that a challenge will present itself, and to be able to deal with it, you have to be ready. The reality is that we encounter these challenges on a daily basis. Large ones or small ones (as in maybe we jump in the car to drive to work, and we have a flat tire). Don’t get caught up in the “Why me” syndrome. Learn from your past and keep going.

Not everything is good or bad. Remember that saying: it’s all good? If you can figure out how to drop the labels, then it really is all good (or just a bunch of stuff!)

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