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the king of wands

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Kings represent the masculine power of this suits’ energy.

“This card is screaming for you to it now! You should not be

worried about mistakes made in the past.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows our King sitting on his throne, a staff in his hand. He is straight forward and direct. A gold crown on his head. Two lionheads are positioned at the top two corners of the card. Below is a salamander.

The King of Wands has all the power he needs to rule his kingdom. His staff and crown represent authority. The lionheads represent strength and courage. The salamander is a symbol of strength. On some cards a salamander biting his tale symbolizes infinity and the ongoing drive to move forward against all obstacles.

This King represents pure energy. He has the power and the drive to get things done. He is a natural born leader and is more than willing to accomplish his goals on his own. He leads by example because of his strong capabilities. The staff the King is holding represents new growth (spark of life). This King is prepared to make things happen.

This card is screaming for you to it now! You should not be worried about mistakes made in the past. You are in a position where you have the drive and ability to achieve great things. Your ability to influence others is also at hand.

Could be that a new project is finally springing to life. It could also mean that you are in a position where others are looking up to you. By your example, you can encourage their growth. Whatever the case, get busy. Now is your time.

Note: It might be that someone is influencing you. Take in all that you can and use it to shape your world. We all need positive influences.

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