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the four of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Fours can represent stability, hearth, home.

“Too many times we go through our days not recognizing the effort required to get from A to B. Today, stop and celebrate the completion of a job well done.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows a beautiful mansion with clouds and sun rays spreading out behind it on the horizon. The four wands are holding up garlands of grapes and other fruits forming a pergola. On the top of the card is a women looking down. She has wings spreading out behind her suggesting that she may be angelic.

Homes represent security and stability. Therefore, with the Four of Wands the mansion signifies wealth or freedom from money problems. The angel above looks as though she is blessing the home. The wands are positioned in the form of a pergola with the garlands of fruit representing a feast or celebration.

We have security, we have community, and we feel blessed. Those are the underlying messages of the Four of Wands. We have reached a destination (or completed a project) and now it is time to celebrate our accomplishments.

Look at your most recent endeavors. What goals have you met? Did you get to the gym this week? Perhaps you finished that super hard school - work assignment. Whatever the task, no matter how small, it is worth it to recognize that a project has been completed.

Too many times we go through our days not recognizing the effort required to get from A to B. Sometimes it is a feat just to get out of bed in the morning! Even for just a short time, enjoy what has been accomplished. Today, stop and celebrate the completion of a job well done.

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