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the five of wands

Knight of Wands 2_edited.jpg

Fives represent versatility, communication, opening up.

“Today, it could be about being at odds with yourself or someone else.

Try not to let life get the best of you. You have choices.”

Wands are associated with the element of FIRE. Wands represent new growth, energy, and action.

The card shows a group of five young men, each holding a wand. Number one looks like he is guarding or protecting himself. Number two is observing holding his wand behind his back. Number three is poised to strike as in the “ready” position. Number four has his wand in the upright position but is holding back. Number five is drawing a line in the earth. The ground they stand on is grassy, with a walkway cutting through.

This card is interesting because each young man is in a different position. The two poised to strike seem like they are thinking over what to do, maybe waiting for the other to strike first. Resisting, hesitating? The lad with the wand in front of his face looks scared and instead of striking, he is going in carefully covering his face, bracing for an attack. The one drawing a line in the sand appears to be holding his own, daring the others to advance. While the observer is sizing up the situation and is even holding his wand away like he is finished.

These are all the phases of competition. When you look at the different positions the young men are in, then it is easy to figure out where you are. In our world of competition and conflicting views, one can either stand their ground or yield. The Five of Wands is really telling us, that there are different levels, and you can be positioned in any one of them. Depending on the situation, You could observe, hold back, make your opinions known (compete), stand your ground, or be guarded. Where ever you are, know that you have choices. You do not have to fight out right. You can express your own ideas with clarity and logic but be careful not to discount what others contribute.

Today, it could be about being at odds with yourself or someone else. Try not to let life get the best of you. As already stated, you have choices. So, if you are in a bad mood on rising, try to hold yourself in check with others today. It is not their fault that you got up on the wrong side of the bed. And just because you jump in the shower and there is no hot water, this does not mean that the world against you.

Reset; observe; compete; retreat.

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