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The Power of Numbers


As I was learning to read Tarot I quickly realized that the number of the cards were critical in my interpretations. 


As with everything depending on who you follow and which internet site you look up, the number meaning change with that of the author. It makes it frustrating. Like I always say, it is up to you to interpret for yourself how you feel about the numbers. There are some common themes however and I will list them here.


One - almost everyone agrees that this is the number of new beginnings and new opportunities. In numerology there are references to acting alone, which relates to independence, or a strong will.


Two - is a symbol of balance. There are two sides of a coin, or two paths to take, or look both ways before you leap. Two's can mean that strength can be doubled or power can be split.


Three - is linked with creativity. Think about good things coming in three's. Third time is a charm; mind-body-soul connection; testing: one, two, three. Three's are also linked with communication and results. The number three has feminine aspects to it as well.


Four - looking at all of the definitions of fours, I am drawn to the obvious. Stability, strength, responsibility. Think about tables and chairs which have four legs that hold you up and are steady. Squares have four sides. There are four elements (fire-air-water-earth) and four directions on the compass. Fours keep us balanced. Fours are associated with a masculine energy.


Five - is representative of our five senses. Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. We use our senses to communicate. We experience joy and inspiration through our senses. This shows us how flexible the number five can be. Fives can influence how we approach different situations and they can also help us open up to new forms of communication.


Six - in numerology the six is all about love or the embodiment of the heart. In tarot the sixth card in the deck is The Lovers. But sixes can also represent harmony and inner peace.


Seven - represents a quest for knowledge in numerology and is a significant number in major religions (the seven chakras for example). Sundays, the last day of the week, is a time of rest and spiritual recognition and the end of a cycle. In tarot the number seven is associated with dreams, illusions, and magic. 


Eight - is a symbol of abundance, wealth, and achievement. The infinity symbol is an eight representing the continuous cycle of life. The infinity symbol itself reminds us of balance, focus, harmony, peace, and oneness. In tarot eights are associated with overcoming obstacles and easing restrictions.


Nine - in numerology stands for completion as it is the last of the single digit numbers. In tarot the number nine is near completion, so can stand for action, courage, and self-confidence to get you to the finish line. Nines can also indicate growth.


Ten - is the last number of the suits (in tarot) which means the end. But with an ending, a new beginning follows. Tens can mean fulfillment with the completion of a cycle.



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