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the two of swords

Twos represent balance, duality, doubling strength or splitting power.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“Take that blindfold off and use your head to solve your problem.

It doesn’t do any good for you to ignore the issue. Weigh both sides of the situation and balance how you feel about the facts. Then move on….”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

This card shows a woman sitting on a cliff. There is ocean and mountains in the background with rocks and crags jutting out of the water. There are fluffy white clouds near the earth, however, a dark cloud hangs above. A crescent moon is showing through. Our woman is holding two swords with the blades pointing outwards. She is blindfolded and appears to be rigid and focused.

Stuck. This woman is stuck. The two swords pointing in different directions are indicating that there are two ways to go. She is blindfolded – blind to the truth? Or, pretending one thing and feeling another? The rocks and crags in the water behind her are indicating obstacles (like it would be hard for a ship to maneuver around them). The crescent moon shining through represents two sides, the side you can see and the shadow side.

Today, we find ourselves in a position where a choice has to be made. We have probably put the decision off because neither path looks attractive. The suit of swords being about logical thinking means we have to reason our way out of the situation we currently find ourselves in or there is no moving forward.

Take that blindfold off and use your head to solve the problem. It doesn’t do any good for you to ignore the issue. I can feel the emotions already; denial, defensiveness; putting up barriers around yourself. You do have the power to choose. Weigh both sides of the situation and balance how you feel about the facts. Then move on.

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