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the three of swords

Threes represent creativity, results, and achievement.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“Although the Three of Swords represents sorrow, it is also indicating

that you have the mental capacity to address your pain by using your mind. Before you react emotionally, try to get to the heart of the matter"

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The card simply shows a heart with three swords piercing through it, top and bottom. There are storm clouds gathering behind and the rain is pouring down.

This card represents sorrow. It can also mean pain, grief, deception, rejection, and disbelief.

I am all about letting your emotions take over (for a short while) and wallowing in your grief. However, this card, being a sword, is indicating that you have the mental capacity to address your pain by using your mind. It could be through a spiritual path or even a logical approach. Remember swords can cut through our illusions.

Although the card is painful, It is also telling us that the hurt must be uncovered in order to move forward. Before you react emotionally, try to get to the heart of the matter. It may mean that you have discovered a painful truth. But we can triumph over emotion by using logic.

Nobody likes to hear this, but pain and grief are normal. In fact, we need diversity in our lives to remind us to appreciate the joy and happiness we have. Going through a painful event makes us stronger and more prepared for the next time grief comes our way.

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