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the ten of swords

Tens represent endings and new beginnings, new destinations, fulfillment.

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“Let go. You have been holding on to something for so long that you feel that it is a part of you, and you cannot live without it. But now is the time to let it go.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The card shows a figure lying on the ground on his or her stomach. All ten swords are buried in his or her back. This scene is taking place by a seashore. The ground appears hard with rocks scattered about. Our figure is trying to make his or her way towards the water, scratching the hard earth to move forward.

Just as in the death card, something has to die to be reborn. This card is screaming CHANGE! The figure depicted in the card has pulled and scratched his/her way to the water. They are not giving up without a fight.

You have hit rock bottom. Or have you? Perhaps exaggerated self-pity? The Ten of Swords represents the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new one.

Let go. You have been holding on to something for so long that you feel that it is a part of you, and you cannot live without it. But now is the time to let it go. The swords tell us that we must use our mental ability to cut through the illusions that we have been living under. Maybe it is a relationship, maybe it is a lifestyle. The card is telling you that it is okay to change. Your life is in ruins and the only way out is with your mind and your ability to see a situation realistically in order to do something about it.

Action: This evening go outside and look at the stars. Know that, like the stars, you are alive with a life of your own. You are an integral part of this vast universe.

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