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the six of swords

Sixes represent harmony, idealism, and inner peace.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“If you can change your mind, you can change the world.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The card shows a young man in a boat rowing. He is looking backwards at what he is leaving. He is also creating a large wake behind him. All his swords are set aside in the boat at his feet. The sky is filled with puffy clouds above him, and the water is calm. Yet you can clearly see rain pouring down in the distance behind him. The mountain landscape behind him is also fading, showing he has traveled far.

This young man has just left rough waters (the past) and is headed into calm water (the present). As swords are associated with conflict, it would seem that all the conflict is in the past and a transition is in progress.

A change of direction always gives us a different point of view. A difficult cycle is now ending, and the passage will be smooth after a few rough rides. It is best to make your way through the waves, because you can see the calm on the horizon. Don’t get caught up in what you are transitioning from. Your outlook has so much to do with your state of mind and if you can see that calm is ahead, you can adjust from the troubles of the past to a positive future. Reset your mind. If you can change your mind, you can change the world.

What was it that you went through yesterday, or last week? Whew! Made it. Relax today. It is a new day that allows you to start all over again. You have made the change, found the solution, transitioned through a difficult time. You can now feel secure that whatever it was, it is now over. And it had to happen exactly the way it did. Remember, the only constant is change, so take on a new perspective when this card appears.

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