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the seven of swords

Sevens represent dreams, illusions, magic.

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“It is a good day to see what illusions we are hiding behind, take a look,

then step out into the light. Own your truth.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The card shows a man standing, slightly turned (to look behind). He is on a path leading away from a tent that can be seen in the background. He is holding one sword in his right hand. In his left arm he is holding four swords, which are tucked loosely inside his cape. Two swords lay on the ground in front of him. The man has his walking boots and a hat on. He does not look like he is in a hurry, and he has a look of complete confidence in what he is doing.

It looks like the man on the card is trying to get away with something. With the one sword he is ready for confrontation (opposition), but then he is trying to hide as many swords as he can to take with him. Perhaps he is trying to get away with a deception (stealing the swords?). He looks so cocky though. He has all this confidence about what he is doing!

How many times in your life have you done something, and then hoped that no one noticed? And then, how many times did you think to yourself that you wished you were the one that should have said something, to someone. You might have been hoping that a problem would solve itself, right? Usually, problems just get worse. This guy (on the card) is clearly thinking he has gotten away with something. But with the sword drawn, it is indicating that if he gets caught, he is ready to fight.

Lots of questions pop up. It is up to us to sort out what question needs to be answered. By pulling the Seven of Swords today, we are being asked:

- Is the issue we are facing today better to be ignored?

- Do we think that we can get away with something, but is that the right way to go?

- Are we running away from the truth?

- Are we just trying to get away from a situation to be alone?

Today, the Seven of Swords is telling to use truth as our guide. Don’t run away or avoid responsibility. Secrets can sometimes get us into trouble, so take a look at what you are holding back. It might be as simple as saying to someone that you need some alone time. Or it might be as dramatic as not facing up to the music!

As swords are all about cutting through our illusions, this card is a reminder to examine what we have been up to lately. It is a good day to see what illusions we are hiding behind and then step out into the light. Own your truth.

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