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the queen of swords

The Queen represents the feminine side of the suits’ energy.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“Be direct and to the point. Do not sugar coat things today. You can get the

exact results you need by just sticking to the issues.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The Queen represents the feminine side of the suits’ energy, however, in this case, she could be considered the most “masculine” of the queens. As swords are all about the intellect, know that this Queen uses wisdom and the power of her mind to rule with logic and not emotion.

This card shows our Queen of Swords on her throne with a sword in her right hand and her left peacefully sitting in her lap. On her left shoulder is a white bird. She is dressed in no-nonsense attire. Her eyes are closed, and she is in deep contemplation.

The symbolism of this card is that of a wise queen who knows exactly what needs to be done to get the job done. She has intelligence and wisdom on her side. She uses her brain, vs, her emotions to make decisions. She is confident and organized. The white bird on her shoulder represents wisdom, knowledge, and peace.

This Queens rules the home front and does so with a direct approach. She can be judgmental and shows few emotions. She uses her intellect to run her household which allows her to be realistic about most situations.

When this card pops up, which it has today, put aside your emotions. This lady can seriously multi-task. There is so much information out there and this Queen is just the one you can call on to make the hard decisions. Be direct and to the point. Do not sugar coat things today. You can get the exact results you need by just sticking to the issues.

Action: Begin your day with a nice hot cup of tea (or your favorite beverage of choice). Before entering the rat race, let the tea open up your throat’s energy center thereby stimulating your ability to communicate.

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