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the nine of swords

Nines represent action, courage, self-confidence.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“Use your sword to cut through the illusion and apply your logic to either solve

the problem or take steps to work towards a better outcome.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

This is a scary looking card! A girl is sitting in bed sobbing into her hands wearing her sleeping gown. There is a blanket covering her legs. There are seven shadowy figures staring, pointing, sneering down at her. The nine swords are fashioned into a crown and sitting on a skull right next to her. In each corner of the card are stars in a dark sky. The blanket has a flower pattern along the edge.

The girl on this card is terrified! Guilt, worry, overwhelmed by feelings. The shadowy figures represent others attempting to influence this woman by terrifying her. This might be a scene she replays nightly. She is scared into non-action and is stuck over and over in this nightmare. The trim on her blanket represents reality, her peaceful surroundings.

Swords indicate mental clarity. Nines are about action and courage. With this card, it is time to vanquish this nightmare. The problem you are experiencing is an illusion and it will take a calm and logical approach to get to the truth. Look within and see what is worrying you. Worrying is an awful emotion, worry can’t change anything, but worry can force you into action. Other times you are over-worried about one thing, but it is actually masking your true issue. Because the girl is holding her hands over her eyes, it appears that she is unwilling to take a good look at what is going on. It is time to screw up your courage and take a look! Use your sword to cut through the illusion and apply your logic to either solve the problem or take steps to work towards a better outcome.

Definitely get in the habit of leaving a notebook and a pencil next to your bed. If you wake up during the night (anytime 2:00 AM or whatever) write down what is worrying you, or making you feel guilty. In the morning look at what you have written. Everything looks better in the light of day.

The second action to take is, before you go to sleep, write down something that is worrying or causing you stress. Put the written question on the bed-stand and in the morning, see if you have an answer.

Sweet dreams my friends.

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