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the four of swords

Fours represent limitations, doubts, and holding back.

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“We all need a break sometimes. And today is that day. You need some alone time.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

This card shows a knight in full armor contained in a circle, much like a snapshot of him lying in state. His eyes are whited out. The knight is holding a sword that appears to be resting on his chest. There are two swords behind him and one sword (outside the circle) beneath him. A spider is spread out along the bottom of the card.

The Four of Swords is showing a knight in repose, resting. The spider underneath with the fourth sword crossing over it, would seem to indicate that the danger has passed, or an obstacle has been overcome.

I like to think about this card as the card of renewal. Like when you get a really good nights’ sleep, you wake up refreshed. This is a time of strategic withdrawal. Take sanctuary where you can find it and retreat away from life’s chaos.

We all need a break sometimes. And today is that day. You need some alone time. The Four of Swords is all about stepping back and taking a look at what is going on in our lives. Because swords are about the mind and the flow of ideas, then going into seclusion can help clarify what needs to be addressed. The number four signifies doubt and holding back. Tapping into that inner wisdom will help dispel doubts.

On your agenda for today is to slow down. Make time for yourself, even if it is only a 15-minute walk on your lunch break. When you get home unwind and take it easy. Meditation, contemplation, relaxation, whatever you want to call it, do it. Then get to bed early!

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