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the eight of swords

Eights represent overcoming obstacles and easing restrictions.

Two of Swords_edited.jpg

“Today, is a good day to look at the big picture. Don’t focus on small details. Don’t overanalyze. Stop being indecisive. Make a decision and move forward.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

On this card, it appears as if we are looking through a keyhole. Depicted on the card is a woman bound by ropes. She is blindfolded and on her knees. The swords are in upright positions at her back creating a barrier behind her. The landscape behind is bleak and a dark sky indicates a storm.

This woman is clearly trapped! The swords behind her are telling me that she can’t go back to where she came from. The blindfold is indicating that she cannot see a forward path. Being bound by ropes and on her knees is suggesting that she is having a hard time moving in any direction!

Remember that swords are about clear and logical thinking. The women on the card may be trapped, but she has the ability to “un-trap” herself. Sometimes we are indecisive and are content to remain a victim in our own dramas. To free ourselves we can use the power of our minds to see past our illusions.

We get so wrapped up in our own emotions that it is hard to see a way out and we flounder in the situation. I am a big fan of letting myself wallow in my sorrows/problems for a day. But the suit of swords inspires us to use our minds and the power of our ideas to overcome problems. Solutions are out there, sometimes hard to find, but definitely out there. Take the blindfold off.

Today, is a good day to look at the big picture. Don’t focus on small details. Don’t overanalyze. Stop being indecisive. Make a decision and move forward.

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