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knight of swords

The Knight represents the extreme behaviors of this suits’ energy. Power and conflict, the Knight will push boundaries and rush in. Like a bull in a China shop.

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“Take a look at what is going on in your life today. Don’t rush in with

quick decisions. Be careful to think things through.”

Swords are associated with the element of AIR. They cut through our illusions and require us to make rational and logical decisions.

The Knight is shown upon his steed, battle gear on and ready to fight. Helmet pulled down and sword in the upright position. He reminds me of a Knight ready for a jousting run. The beautiful white steed, that the Knight is sitting on, does not look ready to charge. The horses’ head is slumped down, and it appears to be rearing back.

In this case the horse may have more sense than the Knight that sits on his back. That Knight is ready to rush in and conquer. He thinks he is ready. But the symbology of the card is clear. The Knight is excited and blinded by the battle ahead. But if the horse isn’t ready, well, maybe…pause.

Take a look at what is going on in your life today. Don’t rush in with quick decisions. Be careful to think things through. You may want to get things done quickly but remember the Knight can be insensitive to others. He has the ability to persuade anyone to his side without considering what is best for all. Use your intellect first to carefully think about your options before leaping ahead.

Because the sword cut both ways, the opposite may be true. You may need a dose of the Knights energy to help you be more self-assured, or to speak up and not fear criticism or worry that you’re going to upset someone.

You know what is going on. Yep, hold on. Have you got all of your ducks in a row? I’m just saying. It is worth making a list and checking off everything before moving forward.

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