Every where you look the Universe is sending you signals. And it was especially wonderful to look up and see all these kites flying high!

In keeping with my theme of, "You don't have to choose a card, a card will choose you"...
Right away the Eight of Wands sprung to mind. The Eight of Wands is the SIGNAL card. Think about all of the wonderful ideas, wishes, dreams you have had over the years. Have you been able to act on them? Are you still wishing and dreaming?
Wands are the Energy - Action suit in the deck. Wands remind you first, that you have the energy you need to accomplish things. Your body is strong, but it is your mind that keeps you from doing things. Remember the little engine that could? Maybe not, it is a super old story about a little steam-engine (train) that was trying to get up an impossibly high track. The little engine kept saying, "I think I can, I think I can". That is the energy that needs to be applied with this card. YOU CAN! Honestly, to think anything else would be self-defeating.
Second, this eight is saying . "Do it now!" The time is right to to respond to the needs of the moment. Initiate communication first (action) and then pay attention. Your answers will come back to you, but you have to be open and respective to receiving them.
These kites in the sky are the perfect example of being notified. You can do one or two things. You can think, "Wow, those kites are pretty", or you can think, "Wow, I need to act!".