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Writer's pictureTarot Magic


Updated: Sep 6, 2022

We can learn from nature by observing.

When I was traveling in Yosemite last year where I came upon this tree. The tree had been struck by lightening years before. But unbelievably the tree had started growing another outer layer which was covering up the scars left by the fire ignited by the lightening. The tree was moving on.

Over the weekend I had an incident that left me frustrated and somewhat paralyzed for a moment.

Without going into a lot of details, I was scolded and ridiculed in front of others. I was in a position where I had to keep the peace and let the person rant at me.

After the incident was over and I was safely tucked away from the eyes of others, I vented. I vented to the walls, to myself, and then to a friend who came to see how I was doing.

I was in total disagreement with the opinion of the "rantor". In fact that evening I set about proving that she was wrong in what she was ranting at me about. The bottom line was that I was being criticized unfairly and that this was really about her yielding power (over me, also showing the others what they could expect).

It's been a few days and even though the "incident" still lingers, I have gone on. But what I haven't let go of is the feeling: "Do I really want to be treated this way?" The answer is NO. I do not want this kind of negativity in my life. Besides not deserving it, it is also a matter of respect. Of course I have told myself a thousand times that when someone is unleashing on me, it is really about them and not at all about me. Easy to say, not so easy to experience.

And then I look at the tree. That beautiful grand amazing tree. That was struck by lightening and then started to repair itself - heal - almost immediately. I am wondering if that grand old tree felt something when the lightening struck. Or just moved on doing what it had to do. Surviving, then thriving. Growing despite what nature had in mind. The lightening in the sky and the tree are both products of the natural world. Hmmmmm.

I pulled a card from my deck to see if I could get some Tarot wisdom. What I pulled was the Three of Wands - Opportunity: strategy, planning, strength, travel.

What I see is a strong able body figure looking out over the landscape. The destination may be set but there are different paths to get there. When I think about my "incident" I think about my destination. I realize now, that there are truly different ways that I can get there. One of the ways is to not associate myself with the "rantor" anymore. I do have that option. I can still get to my destination as well.

So if I am to heal like the mighty tree, I will keep the scars that the "incident" created and then keep the lessons learned (the three of wands). I then grow the outer layer to cover up the scars even though I know they will always be with me.

Thanks for listening, Patrice

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