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Writer's pictureTarot Magic

Happy Halloween!

Last year I wrote about Halloween being the one day of the year (when I was a kid) I could walk the streets free. It was a feeling of absolute joy for me to dress up and run wild.

This year I want to talk about how, even to this day, it still makes me feel that way. Whether alone or with friends, it is still so much fun to dress up and run wild! To celebrate this year I spent a little bit of time with my tribe. We all dressed up like witches (or warlocks) and went out in the water (in our dragon boat) and joined a community of others doing the same thing.

I used to say that I loved holidays and special days because they broke up the routine.

So when October 1st comes along, and I feel a breeze on my face, I envision the Halloween images from my past flying in with the wind. And all month long I get more and more excited as the day approaches.

This year I went to the pumpkin patch and bought loads of pumpkins and squashes of all kinds. I made pumpkin puree to put in my coffee. I made Delicata Squash fries. I carved pumpkins with my son.

Tomorrow at the witching hour (12:00 midnight on October 31st) I am planning a ceremony. It is said that November is the "in-between time" when the veil between the past and the present, the living and the dead, is thin. Also a month of beginnings and endings, when the seeds of renewal are shed from the mother plant, it is a time to rid yourself of the past and look forward to the future**

Join me:

  1. collect a personal possession (representing what you need to rid yourself of)

  2. a purple candle

  3. a basket

  4. a bell

During the first hour of November 1st light the candle and place your unwanted possession in the basket. Seal the lid with a little candle wax. Hold the basket and concentrate on the glow of the candle. Ring the bell three times and repeat (three times):

Spirits on this special night,

collect my past and hear my plight.

I mean no harm but do request,

a future brimming with success. **

In the morning take the basket and bury it in the garden, where the spiritual roots will start to grow for the beautiful future you have asked for.

**A Celtic rite to let go of the troubles and sadness of the past year. From the Book of Spells by Nicola de Pulford.

Happy Halloween!!

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