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Writer's pictureTarot Magic

Giving - The Six of Pentacles

I was out walking the other day and came across this little "pantry". Not sure how long it has been there because I was taking a new route. But as soon as I saw it I thought how wonderful! So I decided I would put can goods in my car and whenever I ran across something like this, I would stop and add to the little pantry.

Well that was almost two weeks ago and there are no canned goods in my car and honestly, I really let that little pantry drift from my mind. Through the years a lot of us do that, don't we...? We realize that there are many out there that have it a lot tougher than we do, but out of sight - out of mind right?

This gets me to the Six of Pentacles. A stately (and beautiful) woman stands over two children with a scale in her hand. She is reaching out to one child, while the other waits with an empty plate in his hand. This woman is well enough off that she has the ability to give. But her resources are limited. Therefore she chooses whom she gives to. There may also be a motivational factor. If she gives to one over the other, will there be reward?

Giving to ourselves is equally important. We have the ability to decide when we give to ourselves and when we hold back.

When I saw this little pantry, I didn't immediately think Six of Pentacles. But when I downloaded the photo and started looking at it, it did hit me that there was a lesson that I needed to hear. Giving and receiving is one in the same. When you give, there is a warm feeling that comes with, that makes you feel really good. But when we give something and expect to receive something in return (and then don't get it) that can actually feel real bad. So you give and get some kind of feeling back (a good one or a bad one).

There is no one reprimanding me for not putting canned goods in my car and looking for pantries, is there? Hold on, maybe there is, ME! I am feeling bad for completely forgetting about that little pantry. So even if I didn't choose the Six of Pentacles, it appears that it has chosen me.

Somewhere inside I have a void. For me that means meditation time. Looking within will help me discover what I must do to fill my void. I think everyone needs a little bit of that as well. When drawing the Six of Pentacles it could mean that it is time to express your needs and others will help you answer them. Giving to others will be the gift you can give to yourself, as long as you expect nothing in return.

Hold on, I need to take a break.....pause.....okay I am back. I went upstairs and looked through my pantry and pulled out a bunch of stuff. I bagged it up and it is sitting in my car. Done! Next thing is I am gonna keep that bag in my car and fill it up when it is empty.

I am looking for someone out there to hold me accountable for this commitment. So check back in....Thanks!

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