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Writer's pictureTarot Magic

And we all shine on... (a play on the Seven of Swords)

I always use the self checkout machines at the grocery store. I don't know why, irritating machines to say the least. So today I am slowly making my way through the process and have come to my last item. Of course this item is resisting being scanned, and the machine is telling me to put the item on the weight table. What?! So I give in and put the un-scanned item on the weight table and the machine shuts up. Thank goodness.

I pulled my receipt and see immediately that the last item did not make the list.

For an instant I thought...WOW! The grocery store is giving me a gift! A discount for all of these horrendously expensive prices I have been paying.

Then John Lennon starts singing in my head:

"Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna look you right in the face Better get yourself together darlin' Join the human race."

Dang! Instant Karma will always get you!

So what does that have to do with the Seven of Swords? Beginning with the basic concept that many of our troubles are often self-created....

So depicted on the card is a guy who is clutching as many swords as he can while trying to hide them under his cloak. He has dropped a couple and has one out to fight off anyone that may try to stop him. (Yep, that was me at the grocery store; hiding my toothpaste and looking around.)

Is anyone watching? Are you walking through life looking behind you? Thinking you are getting away with something? Afraid to face the music? When we apply the philosophy of the cards to our daily activities it really makes a lot of sense. The lesson here is that you may just be making things worse for yourself by not facing up to the truth. If we can first recognize our bad behaviors, identify and then eliminate them that will go along way to improve our mental health and energy.

And the truth in this situation? For me it was fessing up and paying for the item. I don't think it would have kept me up at night, but it wasn't going to make me feel warm and fuzzy either. So I stepped up to the counter where the managers were hanging out, gave them the receipt and the toothpaste and had them verify that it wasn't on there. And then I paid. The moral to the story in the words of John Lennon:

"Who in the hell d'you think you are

A super star

Well, right you are

Well we all shine on

Like the moon and the stars and the sun

Well we all shine on

Ev'ryone come on"

John Lennon - released February 1970

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