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the seven of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

Sevens represent dreams, illusions, magic.

“Long term goals are about being patient. Be confident that you are on the right track. Keep putting the hard work in. Your efforts now will pay off in the future.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The Seven of Pentacles shows a young man standing upright with a hoe over his shoulders. He is dressed in work clothes and boots. He is gazing down at beautiful vegetation. The vegetation is covered with seven pentacles. The sky is blue and there is a sunset on the horizon.

The hoe (over his shoulders) represents manual labor. The young man is taking a break and sizing up what he has accomplished. The pentacles adorning the vegetation are representative of the suit of pentacles itself, which is associated with security, wealth, growth, and contentment. The clear sky means everything has gone well so far, and the sunset signifies the day ending.

Our young man is taking a break to look at the fruit of his labors. He has worked hard and has accomplished much. But his fields are not ready to harvest yet. We cannot see his face, so we are unsure of his emotional status. He may be frustrated because the work is not done. Or he may be proud of how far he has come. This card swings both ways.

The Seven of Pentacles refers to long term goals. Today we are putting in the work and effort. This is the path we are taking to invest in our future.

When this card comes up it means that you are ready. Ready to put the work in. Your long-term goals start today. If you have been working on your goals for some time, the card signifies that your hard work is paying off. But you could also feel frustrated that you don’t see enough return as of yet.

Long term goals are about being patient. Be confident that you are on the right track. Keep putting the hard work in. Your efforts now will pay off in the future.

Don’t give up!

Action: Plants some seeds today. You could actually go buy actual seeds and plant them. Or, you could plant an idea about your future by writing down on a piece of paper what you would like your future to look like.

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