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the queen of pentacles

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The Queen represents the feminine side of the suits’ energy.

“Seek nature. Nature has a way of nurturing our souls. Each one of us has a bit of Earth Mother in us and when drawing this card, it is a reminder that in order to accomplish great things,

you must first tend to yourself.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows the Queen of Pentacles sitting on her throne. The Queen is holding a Pentacle in her right hand. Her glance is down cast, and she looks pensive. Above her head are grapes growing on vines. A rams head clasp is holding her cape together. She is surrounded by various plants and flowers and vines of all types.

Queens normally rule over the castle. She is at home tending to the staff and her family. The Queen of Pentacles represents the maternal side of the material world. She is closely related to nature (flowers and vines) and abundance (the grapes). The rams-head clasp represents the power to overcome and achieve.

The Queen of Pentacles represents the feminine qualities of earthiness and nurturing. With open arms she welcomes you into her prosperous world. She will stand by your side, and you can always depend on her warmth and generosity.

Although mothers are associated with the home front, this queen is also an excellent business woman. She uses her intuition and prior success (pentacles are linked to the material world) in business ventures to execute her plans successfully.

When the Queen of Pentacles appears, she seems to be asking you to look inside. Are you taking care of yourself? Do you care about someone else? Are you focusing mostly on them, and not on yourself?

Seek nature. Nature has a way of nurturing our souls. Each one of us has a bit of Earth Mother in us and when drawing this card, it is a reminder that in order to accomplish great things, you must first tend to yourself.

Action: If you can, take a walk today. Even in the city you can find a park to walk through. Take the opportunity to clear your mind by connecting to nature.

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