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the page of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

Pages represent youthful vitality and enthusiasm.

“When you draw the Page of Pentacles you know that you should think carefully about your future when making decisions today. She is full of life and youthful enthusiasm and that is how she is approaching her future. And so should you!”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows a young Page sitting on a stone seat. The Page is gazing down at a Pentacle in her hand. She is focused on the Pentacle. In the background are trees and mountains. In the foreground there are rows of crops.

This Page appears to be studying the Pentacle in her hand. As Pentacles are tied to the material world then it would make sense that the Page is focusing on economics. The Page of Pentacles normally refers to opportunities and manifestation. So, as she studies the Pentacle, she is deciding on the future. By laying out a well thought out precise plan, she can create a new project for her future stability.

This card tells us that the project you start today will have positive results in the future. However, a practical approach with realistic goals must be considered. All Pages have a young and enthusiastic view of life. Meaning the energy to start and complete a project is there. Yet this Page is focused, and careful about which path she is going to take.

When you draw the Page of Pentacles you know that you should think carefully about your future when making decisions today. She is full of life and youthful enthusiasm and that is how she is approaching her future. And so should you!

Because we are just thinking about today, when drawing our daily card, then consider what you have already done and build on that foundation. You might think the projects you are working on are short term, but The Page of Pentacles is about the future. How can what you are doing now manifest long term.

Action: If you are having problems with narrowing down what your card pick is referring to today, take a deep breath and ask, “show me what is happening today, that will be my tomorrow.”

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