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the nine of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

Nines represent action, courage, self-confidence.

“Now is the time to feel good about yourself and the hard

work you have done. Take a breath of fresh air, knowing that all is well right now.

Abundance is all around you.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows a woman in a vineyard. It is a beautiful day. She is picking the fruits of her labors, the grapes on the vines. There is not just one or two grapes, there is an abundance of grapes, making this harvest plentiful. In the background is a modest cottage. The nine pentacles are lined on the bottom of the card. The sky is blue.

This is an earthy card. The grapes on the vine stand for abundance and prosperity. The vineyard is located near the family home representing self-sufficiency. The woman picking the grapes is dressed in flowing robes and her hair is pinned up in the latest fashion indicating wealth.

Pentacles symbolize growth, security, wealth, and contentment. The pentacles on the bottom of the card represent being grounded. Standing firmly on mother earth. The woman seems content, as she is merely picking what she needs that day. The grapes represent growth and success and hard work that has come to a conclusion. Even though the harvesting is still ahead, the crop is bountiful and will easily provide for the future.

Now is the time to feel good about yourself and the hard work you have done. Take a breath of fresh air, knowing that all is well right now. Abundance is all around you.

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk out into your vineyard and munch on a couple of grapes? Ah, the good life. Well, my friend, it may not be grapes for you, but something has compelled you to pick this card. This is a wonderful card! It is the card of abundance and prosperity.

Not feeling prosperous?

Action: I have a visualization that I do when I am feeling lack. Imagine yourself along the seashore. Hundreds of others are lined up next to you. Everyone has a container of some kind. Picture everyone going to the water and filling their containers. Some have small cups, others have gallon containers, and others have pipelines leading to big trucks. There is enough for everyone, including you.

What kind of container would you choose?

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