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the knight of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

The Knight represents the extreme behaviors of this suits’ energy. The Knight will push the boundaries of his suit he represents whenever he can.

“Are you working so hard that you are ignoring everything and everyone else? Do your ambitions make you ruthless? The phase “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy” comes to mind.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows the Knight sitting on his horse in a relaxed position. He has his armor on, but he is not prepared to attack. His shield displays the Pentacle boldly. Nature is all around him – flowers in the top two corners – a tree in the distance background – rows of crops planted between the knight and the tree.

This Knight focuses his attentions on the home front. Instead of running off to battle or charging into new adventures, he is content to stay home and work his land. He is not only hardworking but realistic as well. He has seen the Kings’ success and is striving to be just as successful. He is extremely ambitious.

When a Pentacle pops up, it is most often having to do with the material world. The Knight representing the extremes of the suit is bound to go overboard. His entire focus is work!

Are you working so hard that you are ignoring everything and everyone else? Do your ambitions make you ruthless? The phase “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy” comes to mind.

Today, Take a look at your situation and decide if you need to balance your energies. Yes, be responsible and work hard. But don’t sacrifice everything else. The Knight in trying to duplicate the success of the King, should also take a look at the Kings warm personality and generosity.

You got it, work hard, play hard. Balance is key.

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