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the king of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

Kings represent the masculine power of this suits’ energy.

“When the King of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it is telling you to envision success.

This is the King that we all strive to be.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows the King sitting on his throne. The King is holding a scepter in his right hand and a Pentacle in the other. Above his head are grapes growing on vines. A rams’ head is on his shoulder. He is surrounded by various plants and flowers and vines of all types.

This King is comfortable and kicked back. He has worked hard and is surrounded by the fruits of his success. The grapes and the vines surrounding him signify material success. The rams head on his shoulder is a symbol of protection and represents the power to overcome and achieve. His scepter is a symbol of his rule, while the Pentacle in his hand is showing he has a secure grasp on his world.

This is a kind and generous King who through hard work and determination, has achieved financial success and security. As a ruler he is supportive, and dependable. He wants his kingdom to flourish just as he has, and he is more than willing to help his subjects achieve the same success he has.

When the King of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it is telling you to envision success. This is the King that we all strive to be. You might even know someone with these ‘Kingly’ qualities. You are in a successful period of your life, take note and keep going.

Today, take this card to mean, keep doing what you’re doing. Take time out to recognize that you are on the right track.

Don’t feel like you are on the right track? This kind of energy might be lacking in your life today.

Action: with each person you meet, be kind and generous with your thoughts and words. Command respect by showing respect.

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