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the eight of pentacles

Two of Pentacles_edited.jpg

Eights represent overcoming obstacles and easing restrictions.

“The Eight of Pentacles wants us to think about the details in relation to our talents. Isolation is key to make sure you can concentrate. You don’t need any distractions right now.”

The suit of Pentacles is associated with the material world. It is the way we see ourselves living in the world and how we relate to it.

The card shows a boy hard at work. He is holding a pentacle with pliers, on a stone, in his left hand. In his right hand there is an anvil raised high. The anvil is poised to hit the pentacle lying on the stone. There is a stone wall behind him. There are two pentacles leaning against the wall. The five remaining pentacles are forming an arch above him. In the background there is a path leading up to a village.

Pentacles are related to security, wealth, growth, and contentment, as well as being associated with material items. The young man is clearly at work. Anvils are normally associated with iron. Iron is a mineral of the earth. With iron, all sorts of materials can be shaped. Weapons, frames (for furniture, structures) can be made of iron and iron is hard and strong. Metal working is a specific talent. Back in the day Ironsmiths were in high demand.

The Eight of Pentacles points out the Ironsmith because it takes craftmanship to forge metal. This card wants us to think about the details in relation to our talents. The young boy has isolated himself to make sure he can concentrate on what he is doing. He doesn’t need any distractions right now.

Two thoughts. 1) Get the job done! This could be an actual work project, building a relationship with someone, or training for an athletic event. Now is the time to use all of your creativity, concentration, and craftsmanship to move forward. 2) Work, relationships, sports, have become too easy. Life has become complacent or unsatisfactory. This would be a good time to use your talent and creativity to begin something new.

No matter what meaning you gravitate to, effort is essential. Hone your skills and get to work.

Action: Today, think about what you are really good at. Set up a time to focus on whatever it is. Then create something wonderful.

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