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April 2022 Spread

All spreads are taken from the Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlett. Love her!

November 2023 Spread

Letting go of the past...

In keeping with our theme for the month, we are looking to let go of that which does not serve us well and embrace new beginnings (and even though I did this spread a couple of months ago...).

Remember, when doing a spread, practice on yourself and choose topics that relate to personal current situations.

  1. I want to let go of...

  2. What is stopping me?

  3. How to move forward.

  4. Future influences to avoid.

  5. Future influences to embrace.

Your reading:

November Spread 2023_edited.png
  1. The Queen of Pentacles - I want to let go of putting everyone else before myself.

  2. The Nine of Cups - What is stopping me is I have no motivation.

  3. Temperance - I need to balance my emotions.

  4. The Three of Swords - I need to avoid friends or family that are constantly requiring my attention (for now).

  5. Wheel of Fortune - I must embrace those in my life that support my choices.

October 2023 Spread

Mystic Seven

This spread is based on the Celtic Cross. This month we are looking for insights into the past, present and future.

October Spread 2023_edited.png
  1. My current situation

  2. Obstacles

  3. My aspiration

  4. What needs to be awakened

  5. What lies behind me

  6. The next stage

  7. What will be

  1. The Queen of Pentacles - You are currently in a loving giving space where you are looking to support others beyond yourself.

  2. The King of Swords - The obstacle in your way is that you have blocked out your own emotional feelings for the sake of others.

  3. The Seven of Wands - You aspire to defending your actions at all costs.

  4. The Queen of Cups - What needs to be awakened is your capacity to open up to others emotionally and be honest with yourself as well.

  5. The Two of Cups - What lies behind you is knowing that the relationships you have formed in the past will always be there for you.

  6. The Two of Pentacles - The next stage is a more relaxed approach to how you handle things.

  7. The World - The outcome is that everything you need will come to you fully and without regret or worry.

Your reading:

September 2023

September 2023 Spread

The Secret Me

This spread is about current thoughts you may have about yourself. As you know things change quickly and you have the ability to change your mind, calm your emotions, and move on. This is a fun one to do over and over.

  1. My secret love.....

  2. My secret hate....

  3. My secret test....

Your reading:

  1. Three of Swords -  My secret love is getting to the heart of the matter by analyzing until I get to the bottom of the issue.

  2. The Hanged Man - My secret hate is letting go of the issues I have. I hold tight instead of letting things settle before I move forward.

  3. Page of Swords - My secret test is to be careful to see how issues are effecting me and to not just mindlessly go ahead without seeing where I am going.

September Spread 2023_edited.png
August 2023

August 2023 Spread

Letting go of the past.

I actually did this spread last August! During the summer when the days are long and life seems a bit easier, I think it is a good time to let go of some of the things we tend to hold onto.

  1. I want to let go of...

  2. What is stopping me?

  3. How to move forward.

  4. Future influences to avoid.

  5. Future influences to embrace!

Your reading:

August 2023 Spread_edited.png
  1. Page of Cups - I want to let go of that fantasy of the perfect love or career or situation that I am always dreaming about.

  2. Queen of Cups - What is stopping me is that I always consider others needs before my own.

  3. Three of Wands - I move forward by looking at the larger picture and realize all the choices or opportunities I truly have.

  4. Wheel of Fortune - Future influences to avoid would be my habit of letting things just happen to me instead of me choosing what happens.

  5. Ten of Wands - Future influences to embrace are taking responsibility for my choices and actions.

July 2023

July 2023 Spread

What am I doing with my life....!

This spread will give you a positive direction if you feel stuck or unsure of where to go from here. I actually did this spread last August! During the summer when the days are long and life seems a bit easier, I think it is a good time to let go of some of the things we tend to hold onto.

  1. Me now.

  2. What am I afraid of?

  3. Past influence - beneficial.

  4. Past influence - negative.

  5. I promise myself this!

  6. This will be the result.

Your reading:

  1. Four of Pentacles - I am currently feeling possessive and am afraid of letting go of emotional issues.

  2. The Six of Cups - I am afraid of sharing my feelings with others.

  3. King of Swords - A beneficial influence on me is there is someone in my life right now that handles things in an honorable way and is a good role model for me. 

  4. Queen of Swords - A negative influence now is that I have been letting others suppress my true emotional needs.

  5. The Eight of Cups - I promise myself that I will see how far I have come and to use that information to decide where I am going.

  6. The Devil - The result will be that I will accept my limitations and realize that I may be looking at things through a narrow perspective. Knowing this I can work on opening my mind to new opportunities.

July 2023_edited.png

June 2023 Spread

My Chakras

Energy flows from the ground up and connects with the 7 energy centers in your body (known as Chakras in the Eastern spiritual traditions). If your Chakras are not in balance, then neither are you. Let's let the cards clear our Chakras this month...

NOTE: normally read from the bottom up, even though the 10 card is on the top!

June 2023
June 5 - 10_edited.png
  1. The Root Chakra (my base)

  2. Sacral Chakra (my emotional center)

  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (fight or flight response)

  4. The Solar Plexus Chakra (my strength) 

  5. The Heart Chakra (love of myself or others)

  6. Throat Chakra (communication with others)

  7. Throat Chakra (self expression or personal truth)

  8. My Third Eye (seat of my soul)

  9. My Third Eye (intuition)

  10. Crown Chakra (my connection to spirit - my original essence)

Your reading:

June 1 - 4_edited.png

You are in a good place right now.  


Your first 3 Chakras pull you towards the earth and lend that beautiful Earth energy. You are grounded, emotionally stable and feeling strong physically.

The Judgement card is pointing out that the Solar Plexus Chakra is wavering back and forth between who you think you are and who others think you are. Stop judging yourself by listening to others think. You are you!


Your next 4 Chakras are your connection to spirit. You are open to new ideas and trust your inner voices to help you navigate.

Your Heart Chakra, however, is blocked and needs to be opened up. Picture your heart in a beautiful box. Open the box and take your heart out. Say, "I love and approve of myself".

  1. Ace of Pentacles - The Root Chakra (my base). Currently I have a new sense of economic security that is keeping me grounded.

  2. The King of Pentacles - Sacral Chakra (my emotional center). I am comfortable and calm and in control of my emotions.

  3. Seven of Wands - Solar Plexus (flight or fight response). I am feeling strong and confident and ready to stand my ground. 

  4. Judgement - Solar Plexus (my strength). The strength I need right now is to reflect on who I am inside. Am I showing the world my outer-ego personality, or who I really am inside.

  5. The Emperor - Heart Chakra (love of self and others). I am standing in the shadows of my past and it is hard for me to love myself for who I am, not who others think I should be.

  6. Page of Cups - Throat Chakra (communication with others). New ideas are coming my way as long as I keep myself open to listening.

  7. Queen of Wands - Throat Chakra (self expression or personal truth). I need to express myself by living my passions.

  8. The High Priestess - The Third Eye (seat of my soul) It is up to me to look beyond the obvious and tap into my instincts for the answers.

  9. Two of Pentacles - The Third Eye (my intuition) I trust my intuitive side to keep me balanced and out of harms way.

  10. Seven of Pentacles - I have accomplished a lot and it is time to reflect on those accomplishments before moving forward. I am grateful for all I have.

May 2023

May 2023 Spread

My Greatest Strength and My Greatest Weakness

It has been sooooo windy this month. The wind is a signal to me of great strength. Let's explore those strengths now!

  1. My current strength

  2. How I can utilize it

  3. The road it will lead to

  4. What strength I need to develop

May 2023_edited.png
  1. The Ace of Cups - My current strength is my ability to lift myself up and start over fresh each day.

  2. The Queen of Pentacles - How I can utilize this strength is by remaining calm and composed during times of duress.

  3. High Priestess - The road this is leading to is wisdom. 

  4. The Star - The strength I need to develop is self-confidence. I have the ability to solve all of my problems if I just follow my inner shining star of light.

April 2023

April 2023 Spread

Divining Myself

With Spring in the air, take time in April to get to know yourself better.

  1. I am this now

  2. This is what bugs me

  3. What I like about myself

  4. What I don't like about myself

  5. My talent

  6. My temptation

  7. My personal quest

  8. My current guardian angel

Your reading:

April Spread 2023_edited.png
  1. The Hierophant - Right now I'm drawing on my past life experiences and the ways I have always done things to get me through.

  2. The Seven of Pentacles - What bugs me is that I am focused on what I have accomplished instead of planning for the future.

  3. The Ten of Wands - What I like about myself is that I am not afraid to shoulder the burden. I am always there to help. 

  4. The Lovers - What I don't like about myself is I am always doubting my choices and I am never relaxed.

  5. King of Cups - I am soooo good at balancing and accessing situations in order to create a positive outcome.

  6. The Empress - I am tempted to ignore my problems and assume things will just fall in my lap. I need to be more creative.

  7. The Chariot - My personal quest is to achieve success in my current work situation.

  8. Page of Swords - My current guardian angel is truth, so I must face it.

March 2023

March 2023 Spread

Aspirations and goals

Let's get motivated! This is the perfect way to boost your self belief and confidence.

  1. Current objective

  2. Talent or skill

  3. Pitfalls

  4. Support

  5. Potential

  6. Your inner strength

  7. This promises progress

  8. The force that will be with you

  9. The outcome

Your reading:

March Spread 2023_edited.png
  1. Three of Swords - My current aspiration is to love myself.

  2. Nine of Swords - My skill is being able to bounce back after challenging times.

  3. The Chariot - The pitfall is that I charge ahead without thinking about what I really need to do. 

  4. The Page of Wands - What will support me is my boundless energy.

  5. Death - I can potentially leave the past behind and start with a fresh new focus.

  6. The Empress - My inner strength is my compassion and creativity.

  7. Wheel of Fortune - Making choices instead of just letting things happen will help define my future.

  8. Queen of Wands - The force is with me and I can express myself freely without being afraid.

  9. The Five of Pentacles - My outcome is that there is something missing in my life and it is up to me to go find out what it is. I have everything I need for a positive outcome, I just need to believe in myself and not hide behind false illusions.

February 2023

February 2023 Spread

My priorities right now!

With February always feeling like a month of "love". Maybe it is time to first get our priorities straight before we jump in head first.

  1. Love

  2. Career

  3. Self-improvement

Your reading:

February 2023_edited.png
  1. High Priestess - In love, I need to listen to my inner voice. I will soon be enlightened if I just stop forcing an issue and let my intuition guide me.

  2. The Magician - In my career, I will need use my instincts to make things happen.

  3. The Fool - To improve myself, it is time for me to stop day dreaming and focus on where I am and where I am going.

January 2023

January 2023 Spread

Mystic Seven

This spread is based on the Celtic cross spread. The Mystic Seven gives you insights into your past present and future.

January Spread_edited.png
  1. Your current situation

  2. Obstacles

  3. Your aspiration

  4. What needs to be awakened

  5. What lies behind you

  6. The next stage

  7. What will be

Your reading:

  1. Two of Pentacles - My current situation is that I am open and receptive to change in any form. In fact I am expecting change and looking forward to it.

  2. Four of Cups - The obstacle is that I am failing to see what is right in front of me and I am missing the change that I am expecting.

  3. Justice - My aspiration is to be fair and just in everything I do.

  4. Ten of Pentacles - What needs to be awakened is the rule to MAKE MY BASE SECURE. 

  5. Knight of Swords - What lies behind me is that all the hard work and planning is in place. 

  6. The Lovers - The next stage is to stop balancing so many tasks and choose one solid path.

  7. Wheel of Fortune - What will be rests on the knowledge that I will reap what I have sown. The decisions I am making now will define my future.

December 2022 Spread

All Change

What can you focus on and let go of to allow yourself to move forward.

December 2022
December Spread_edited.png
  1. What no longer matters

  2. What has been fulfilled

  3. What will carry me forward

  4. The change I must embrace

Your reading...


  1. The King of Cups - What no longer matters is me being in charge of making sure all is in balance.

  2. The Emperor - What has been fulfilled is the knowledge that I am strong and capable enough to accomplish my goals.

  3. The Three of Cups - What will carry me forward is my family and community.

  4. The World - The change I must embrace is that it is not always necessary to have everything. I have everything I need and that is enough.

November 2022

November 2022 Spread


We all need to make decisions! Let's take a look at how we can feel the outcomes of our decisions before we make them.

November Spread_edited.png
  1. You now

  2. Your focus

  3. Difficult influences

  4. This makes sense

  5. Unexpected insight

  6. The outcome

Your reading...


  1. The Chariot - You are extremely motivated to make a decision based on your self confidence and a strong belief in yourself.

  2. The Hanged Man - Focus on letting go of the outcome. Stand back and observe before you burst forward.

  3. Knight of Pentacles - Do not let your practical side distract you from the decision making process.

  4. Eight of Cups - Taking a break and looking at the next steps of your journey makes sense.

  5. Eight of Swords - Realizing that you are the one stopping yourself from moving forward (no one is going to make this decision for you!!) is the insight you need right now.

  6. Three of Cups - Your outcome will be a celebration! Know that in making this decision it will benefit others as well as yourself and you have the motivation and confidence to make it happen.

October 2022 Spread

Secret Me!

Taking a look at how we really feel about things.

October 2022
  1. My Secret Love.      2. My Secret Hate.      3. My Secret Test.

October Spread_edited.png
  1. Three of Pentacles My secret love is to be able to work with a team to be able to accomplish great goals.

  2. Nine of Pentacles I secretly hate finishing a project because for me it does not signify success, but signifies the end of something I love to do.

  3. The Death Card My secret test is to be able to let go of one thing (when the time is right) and embrace another. 

September 2022 Spread

Outer attitude, inner truth.

This spread reveals the façade that you are showing the world vs. your inner feelings.

September 2022
  1. Inner truth about what you want

  2. Outer attitude toward achievement

  3. Inner truth about what you need

  4. Outer attitude about values

  5. Inner truth - your feelings

  6. Outer attitude - reactions

  7. Future inner truth to be revealed

Your reading...

September Spread no numbers_edited.png
  1. Three of Pentacles What you want deep inside is to be part of a team effort. You crave being part of a unit instead of on your own when it comes to advancing your career.

  2. Ten of Cups But your outer attitude reveals that you are happy with what you have and content to let things appear as if you have already successfully reached your goals.

  3. King of Cups What you really need is the strength to recognize that you are repressing your desires and not embracing them.

  4. Two of Cups But you appear to be using your power to create an image of yourself instead of working with others towards "a merging of ideas."

5.  Queen of Cups Deep down inside your compassion towards others makes you feel like you should be the one making things happen and not depending on others.

6.  Queen of Swords But your direct self-assured attitude has allowed you to suppress your own feelings.

7.  Seven of Pentacles Your inner truth revealed is that in order to move forward and be successful, it is time to evaluate your progress and truly decide what is right for you. Even though you have worked hard and achieved much on your own, in order to reach for the stars and expand your thinking self reflection is required.

August 2022 Spread

Letting go of the past...

The spread this month is interesting, as 3 court cards and two 7's were drawn and only 2 suits! This should be fun!

August 2022
  1. I want to let go of...

  2. What is stopping me?

  3. How to move forward?

  4. Future influences to avoid.

  5. Future influences to embrace.

August Spread_edited.png
  1. Page of Cups is what I want to let go of. Some of the people in my life are SO SENSITIVE that it is difficult for me to interact to avoid upsetting them. I am tired of putting those above me. I want to let go of the need to put others above myself.

  2. Knight of Cups is what is stopping me. This Knight represents the "Knight in shining armor" who swoops in to rescue people. My tenancy is to be like that, I have the need to rescue people and not think about myself. Then I am left tip toeing around their feelings.

  3. Seven of Cups is how I will move forward. The Seven of Cups reminds me that I have many options available and I need to watch out less I fall into the same traps (self imposed) from my past.

  4. Seven of Swords are the future influences I need to avoid. In the past I have repeatedly not faced the facts and have deceived myself of the reality of the situation. I must avoid this going forward!

  5. Queen of Swords are the influences I need to embrace. The Queen of Swords is a quick thinker and has the ability to resolve problems realistically. She is up-front and open, honest and strong. Instead of playing the "rescuer" I will need to embrace total honesty with my friends and family. 

July 2022 Spread

Past issue, present obstacle, future outlook...

This is a twist on past present future. This layout gives you a sense of how all of our issues are interlaced together.

July 2022
  1. You now.

  2. Present obstacle.

  3. Past issue still unresolved.

  4. Past obstacle.

  5. The way ahead.

JuLY Spread_edited.png
  1. Seven of Wands is me now. I feel like I need to hold my ground and stand up for my rights and feelings.

  2. King of Wands is my present obstacle. There is someone with great influence over me that is holding me back.

  3. Four of Swords is the past issue that is still unresolved. I feel unable to confront those who stand in my way.

  4. The Hanged Man is my past obstacle. In the past I have had a hard time letting go of emotional baggage.

  5. The World is my way ahead. I am becoming aware of who I am and what I need to proceed. I must make choices and accept responsibility for my actions and do not let others hold me back.

June 2022 Spread

Where do we go from here?

This month's spread is about relationships. It could be a love interest or a business partnership. You decide!

June 2022
June Spread_edited.png
  1. Where are we now.

  2. What is causing us a problem.

  3. What have we forgotten to respect.

  4. What we need to express.

  5. Our options.

  6. Where we will go from here.

  1. Three of Pentacles At the moment we are living as we always have and trying not to "rock the boat".

  2. Seven of Cups Our problem right now is that we have unrealistic desires and are living under the illusion that all is well..

  3. Seven of Wands We have forgotten to use our intuition and are afraid to trust our feelings.

  4. The Empress We need to express our feelings more freely.

  5. The Hermit Our options are to spend some alone time and think about what we really want.

  6. Ten of Swords From here we need a fresh beginning. As we close the chapter on the past, we look towards a more honest future.

May 2022 Spread

Who I am now and where I'm going.

Looking a little closer into what is happening with your present and future.

May 2022
  1. This is who I am now.

  2. This is what I don't know about myself.

  3. This is what I need to relinquish.

  4. This what I need to develop.

  5. What I'd love to become.

  6. My current quest.

  7. Where it will lead.

May Spread_edited.png
  1. The Death Card represents who I am right now. I am in the middle of changing my thought processes by letting go of the past and welcoming the future.

  2. The Queen of Wands represents what I don't know about myself. What I don't know about myself is that I have the energy it takes to accomplish my goals. I need to realize that I can take action and not just think about what I want to do.

  3. The Three of Cups represents what I need to relinquish. I need to spend more alone time and focus on who I want to be instead of partying with my friends all of the time.

  4. The Strength Card represents what I need to accomplish. I need to become more self-aware and take responsibility for my actions.

  5. The Hierophant Card represents what I would love to become. I would love to be able to break with the past and think freely for myself.

  6. The Chariot Card represents my current goal. I need to take more control of my life by putting my emotions aside.

  7. The Three of Swords represents where all this will lead. All of these steps will take me to the heart of my situation. By uncovering what is truly happening, I will be able to focus and sort things out.

April 2022 Spread

The Problem, Suggestion, and Answer

Use this simple 3-card spread when you have a personal problem.

  1. This is the root of my current problem

  2. This is how to deal with it.

  3. The resolution.

April Spread_edited.png
  1. The root of my current problem is The Death Card - I am refusing to accept the fact that things are changing. I am having a difficult time accepting that I need to let go. I have reached the end of one cycle, but am reusing to move forward and let a new cycle come into my life.

  2. How I deal with my root problem is The Four of Swords - I need to recognize my inner fears as illusions, and then face the facts. Times change and I need to change along with the times. I need to slow down, take a step back and look at what has transpired.

  3. My resolution is The King of Wands - I am resolved to take a more pro-active approach when I am faced with changes. The answer is not avoidance; the answer is moving straight through a situation. The Kind of Wands is telling me to tap into my endless energy and take action.

March 2022 Spread

Current Challenges - Future Outcomes

This spread you read from the bottom up. Right on the top is your outcome!

  1. Personal challenge right now

  2. Relationship challenge right now

  3. What holds me back?

  4. What motivates me?

  5. Where will I get support?

  6. What decision do I need to make (based on the above?

  7. The outcome


F o u r

SPREAD MARCH_edited_edited.png

1. Personal challenge right now. The Emperor -  You are being challenged by an authority figure. In this position someone (and it could be yourself) is preventing you from moving on.


2. Relationship challenge right now. The Nine of Pentacles - You are so confident about yourself and your position that you are not letting anyone get close to you!


3. What holds me back? The Empress - This could mean a dominate female figure in your life is holding you back. Maybe your boss, a partner, or your mother.


4. What motivates me? The Four of Cups - Your motivation is the power you have now to block out all the chatter. The Four encourages you to use your this time to reflect on what you have and re-evaluate your situation. Focus on healing and self-love and be okay with that.


5. Where will I get support? Judgement - You are getting support from those that are not judging you. Those people in your life that believe in you and your ability to accomplish things.


6. What decision do I need to make (based on the above)? The Four of Swords - Based on the above 5 cards, the decision that needs to be made is to find your own space and check out for a time. A period of quiet contemplation is required.


7. The outcome. The Six of Swords - The outcome is that a change of direction is in order. You have the solutions to your problems and it is time to transition out of where you think you are into a new reality.

February 2022 Spread

Dumping Doubts and Fears

Is there something that isn't going right  but you are not quite sure what it is? Use this spread to help figure it out!

SPREAD APRIL_edited.png
  1. Me Now

  2. What I’m denying

  3. What I’m repressing

  4. What I’m projecting

  5. What I’m compensating for

  6. What will help me overcome my doubts

  7. What will help me overcome my fears


1. Me now. Queen of Swords – You are direct and to the point. Your using your intellectual abilities to get results.


2. What I am denying? Temperance – You are denying the fact that you are trying to please everyone except yourself. You may be getting results but how is it affecting you? Are you tired, stressed?


3. What I am repressing. Nine of Cups – You are repressing the fact that there is abundance and resources all around you – including abundance for yourself.


4. What I am projecting? Six of Swords – You are projecting change! You are wanting to find solutions and transition into a more bountiful peaceful existence for yourself.


5. What I am compensating for? The Hermit – You may be retreating from friends and family and those you think might be taking advantage of you. By distancing yourself from your feelings, you are attempting to heal the situation.


6. What will help me overcome my doubts. Ten of Cups – Your family, friends, inner circle. They love you. They will help you overcome all of your doubts. Be honest with them.


7. What will help me overcome my fears? The Star – The star is the light you seek. It will help illuminate your fears and show them for what they are – illusions. The star will help guide you to accept new ideas and growth. New growth comes in many sizes. Growing closer to the ones you love and seeking solutions based on mutual needs. 


Now is the time to stretch your mental wings and fly.  Your mental abilities will help navigate you to success.

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