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the sun

The Sun is number nineteen in the deck. The number nineteen is linked to self-determination.

The Hierophant_edited_edited.png

“Happiness and success are on the table today.

Your futures’ so bright you gotta wear shades.”

The Card shows the Sun filling up the entire card. The rays of the Sun reach out and touch everything in its path. There is a beautiful Goddess on the side with her outstretched arms holding the top and the bottom of the Sun. Below are sun flowers taking in all the rays they can soak in.

As the Sun is the brightest star in our world, so is The Sun card in the tarot deck. The Sun represents energy at its most powerful. The flowers on the bottom of the card remind us that The Sun is a source of life. The Goddess holding the Sun represents innocence, purity, and nobility.

When drawing the Sun prepare to be illuminated! This is your day. Shine a light on all of your doubts. Embrace the joys in life and leave darkness and confusion behind. It is a good time to communicate your feelings and express your dreams. The Sun represents success and abundance.

Take a walk outside and feel the sun shine down on to your face. (If it is raining then use the brightest light in your house for this exercise). Think of the sun filling up your body with warmth and confidence.

Happiness and success are on the table today. Your futures’ so bright, you gotta wear shades.

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