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the moon

The Moon is card number eighteen in the deck. The core meaning of number eighteen is independence and creating something that lasts.

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“Today try using your intuition to tap into that inner voice. All is not as it seems.

It is up to you to look through the shadows and figure out what is missing.”

The Moon sits relaxed with her hair flowing free. Trees adorn the sides of the card. Above her are a million stars with the crescent moon front and center in the nighttime sky. Below the stars are storm clouds filling the right side of the card. Below her appears to be water, with an octopus type creature filling the ocean space.

The symbols on this card point to light and shadows. You have the bright crescent moon along with the multitude of stars seemingly to guide you on your way. Then you have the storm clouds approaching which threatens to cover the light. Below the murky depth of the ocean is suggesting you need to watch where you step. The Moon herself sits in the center looking beautiful and innocent not a care in the world.

The Moon is powerful. The Moon controls the tides and as our bodies are 70% water, it would seem to have influence over us as well. The card seems to be suggesting that even though things look bright, there is a shadow lingering by. All is not as it seems. Our moon has different phases and only reveals her full self once a month. Beware.

Today try using your intuition to tap into that inner voice. Something is missing or overlooked. Your judgement might not be sound or maybe someone is taking advantage of you. Everyone has a light and a dark side. What is hiding in the shadows today?

Remember it is always darkest before the dawn. Don’t let your shadow self (the dark side) take over. Separate illusion from reality. Look past your imagination and use your intuitive side to clarify the decisions you make today.

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