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the magician

The Magician is card number one in the deck and is associated with confidence, power, and action.

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“This card is powerful, so run with it! Whatever your intention is today consider that it can be accomplished. Make it happen…”

Our card shows a young man with an infinity symbol wrapped around him. He is holding a Wand. Above him is a Cup, a Sword, and a Pentacle. The Cup and Pentacle are nestled in laurel leaves and there are flowers inserted into the sides of the infinity symbol. He is wrapped appropriately in the robes of a magician. And he is posed in a position of readiness. The hand with the Wand is held up and his other hand is gesturing down.

The Magician exudes power. With the four elements Cups (water), Swords (air), Pentacles (earth) and Wands (Fire) at his disposal, he can draw on the power of these elements for his own advantage. The Magician is card number one in the deck. The number one is associated with confidence, power, and action. It has also been described as the number of new beginnings and opportunities. The symbolism of one hand gesturing up and the other below, seems to indicate heaven and earth. The Magician therefore is the link between heaven and earth. I take the laurel leaves above represents peace and the blossoming flowers indicate the growing of his ideas and aspirations. The infinity symbol indicates infinite possibilities.

The Magician has everything he needs to manifest his intentions into being. And the potential is vast. The Magician is intuitive, persuasive, aware and prone to action. He taps into all the forces of the universe to get results. The gesturing of the hands could mean inner and outer selves. The Magician has the ability to bring your unconscious desires into your consciousness.

Today is a good day for you to use the power of this card to make something happen. Whatever your intention is today consider that it can be accomplished. You have the ability to make choices and to confidently work with your skills and your knowledge (of a specific situation) to your advantage.

This card is powerful, so run with it! Make it happen…

If you are wondering what you are supposed to make happen, then pair the word of the day and see what comes up.

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