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the lovers

The Lovers card is number six in the deck. The number six represents the heart. Unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture, and heal.

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“Don’t let your heart rule your head. No matter how close you are to something or someone, we are separate. Take a step back and survey the situation.”

Two young lovers are clutching each other with loves' warm embrace. Their faces are almost touching, which makes the anticipation great! They are surrounded by roses and nature is all around. Abundance prevails. The young woman holds a rose in her right hand, in her left she holds the hand of her lover. The young man's left hand reaches around his lovers back. They are as one.

The Lovers represent the union of duality. The card signifies a force binding two entities together. This could be referring to a relationship, an event, an idea, or a personal decision.

When this card comes up in a reading it would be suggesting that you maintain open communications (whether it be with yourself or others). Examine your motives when deciding on a path to take.

So, you have drawn The Lovers card. Almost always our mind jumps to our love life. Makes sense, right? So how is your love life right now, today I mean. Going on a blind date, a new or a longstanding relationship causing you complications? If your love life is the obvious choice today, explore that possibility. The key to relationships is honesty and openness. Ask this question of yourself, what do you have to do today to clear the air with your love interest.

If you do not have love life problems, then focus on yourself or whatever you have cooked up. What completes you? Are you working on a project that you are compassionate about?

In either case don’t let your heart rule your head. No matter how close you are to something or someone, you are still separate from that being. Take a step back and survey the situation. By drawing this card today, it makes sense to open-up to the world around you and use your intuition to trust in your own choices.

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