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the hermit

The Hermit is card number nine. The number nine can represent completion. It can also mean that it is time to clear your mind and let go of those unneeded items.

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“Quiet is what you need today. Think about how you can get away with only your thoughts.

Or even just run out for a few minutes (by yourself) for a cup of coffee. By actively seeking alone time you will discover the path to take today.”

The Card shows an old man wearing a long white robe. In his right hand is a lantern. In his left hand is a large walking stick. It is dark outside. At the bottom of the card is a skull. Above are leaves of a tree.

When I think of a hermit, I think of someone who keeps to himself in a remote area in the woods, right? Our Hermit is out roaming at night looking for answers. As with most of the cards in the deck, looking within is key. The Hermit reminds us that being alone with our thoughts can be a very good thing. The long beard and white robe represent wisdom. He has been here before and knows exactly what to do.

Step back from your current situation. Take time to ponder your questions. You need some time to think things through. Don’t commit. It might a relationship (that you need time to think about) or a committee someone wants you to join. Just take it easy today.

It might be time to let go of “some of those unneeded items”. Don’t let someone else’s opinions influence you too much. This is the time where you think about what is right for you. Oftentimes the only way you can do that is retreat and search for answers internally instead of externally. It could be easier than that, simply let go and the answers will come to you.

Noise! Inside and out. Quiet is what you need today. Think about how you can get away with only your thoughts. Or even just run out for a few minutes (by yourself) for a cup of coffee. By actively seeking alone time you will discover the path to take today.

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