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the hanged man

The Hanged Man is number twelve in the deck. One represents new beginnings. Two stands for duality (two sides of every coin).

The Hierophant_edited_edited.png

“Don’t make any moves today. Nourish yourself and start new tomorrow.

Inaction and reflection are on the plate today.”

On this card is a man hanging upside down from the limb of a tree. His right leg is hanging from the branch, but his left is free. His legs form a cross. In his left hand he is holding the rope that is binding him to the tree. His shirt is blue, and his pants are red. His shoes and hair are yellow. He looks quite calm.

The Hanged Man is suspended upside down but is clearly in a position of power. At any time, he can release the rope and he will be free of his predicament. The colors of his attire speak to us on this card. Blue is the color of calm or clear thought. Red signifies his humanness and his passion for life. In yoga, an inverted position lets the blood flow to your brain and nourishes it. Being upside down also improves the space between your spinal discs and relieves pressure.

Perhaps it is time for a readjustment. Or simply looking at something from a different point of view. This card may be telling us that it is time to “suspend” certain activities and look at things from a different perspective.

You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting new results? Our Hanged Man is telling us to STOP! Surrender to gravity and release your old emotional baggage. By letting go of the past, we can appreciate the present.

Don’t make any moves today. Nourish yourself and start new tomorrow. Whatever it is, it can wait. You need to make a new approach at a situation. Inaction and reflection are on the plate today.

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