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the fool

The Fool is Zero and the first card of the deck. The number “0” is considered to be the number of infinite potential.

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“Go for it! It is time to let go of worries and self-doubt

The card depicts a young man who appears to be leaping over a rocky, cliff-like terrain. There is a dog skipping happily behind him. He has an umbrella in one hand, his other hand out stretched for balance. He has a knap sack over his shoulder and a rose on his lapel. The sun is peeking through the clouds in the background and is shining bright.

This young man is out for adventure. With a lighthearted spirit he is full of boundless energy. In his enthusiasm he does not appear to worry about where he is landing. With the umbrella in his hand, he is reminiscent of Mary Poppins just about to fly away. The knapsack indicates he has packed somewhat for this journey. The sun is shining which is an indicator of great things to come.

The Fool is the spirit of the innocence in all of us. We are free to imagine our greatest desires and have the faith to go after what we want. To freely embrace new opportunities

It can also mean that you are not listening to well-meaning advice, or you are being careless and not thinking of others.

The bottom line is…Go for it! It is time to let go of worries and self-doubt. The Fool indicates a new journey. This may be a project, a new love interest, new found compassion with an existing relationship or an actual vacation. Use this time to be spontaneous and go after it. Do so with pure and childlike intentions.

This could also mean that you are bounding forward into new territories and not watching where you are going. Pursue your interests but do so thoughtfully. One wrong step could find you tumbling over that cliff.

Consider the word of the day and see how the word pairs up with The Fool. Remember, this may be a task that has only to do with today. Or it could be the first step of a long journey.

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