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the devil

The Devil is number fifteen in the deck. Fifteen indicates the fusing of spirit and matter.

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“Accept your limitations. Try seeing past the illusion of what you think your life should look like. In so many ways we can be bound by our narrow perspectives.”

The card shows the Devil in this most well-known form. He is half man, half goat. It appears as if he is ascending from a large den, in the earth, lined with snake skin. There is a naked woman lying below on the floor. There is a naked man sitting with his hands shielding his eyes. The sign of the serpent is displayed below and above two more snake like creatures are prominent – perhaps acting as guards. The Devil is crouched seemingly ready to pounce.

Just looking at this card gives me the creeps! The Devil has lured his victims, both a woman and a man, into his den. He is lording over them and has absolute power. With the woman passed out and the man in total despair, it appears that they are slaves of this Devil who is holding them. Serpents can indicate a sly or treacherous person, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray it. The goat part of the Devil depicts evil at its highest level.

What the heck is this card trying to tell us today? The Devil is normally associated with material wealth or objects. Maybe you are obsessed with something that is not so healthy for you. An addiction? Are you enslaved by your possessions? Do you feel like you are in a rat race just trying to keep up with your spending habits? Are you trapped by your lifestyle? The Devil shows you that the unhappiness you are feeling is based on illusion. Money doesn’t buy happiness, right?

What about today made this card pop up? The word devil is derived from the Greek word diablos, which means adversary. When we choose this card, it indicates that our own “inner devil” is causing us problems. And we are fighting ourselves for control.

Today, this Devil card is asking us to accept our limitations. Try seeing past the illusion of what you think your life should look like. In so many ways we can be bound by our narrow perspectives. If we widen those perspectives and realize our thoughts are chaining us down, then we can break those chains.

I have enough. I am enough.

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