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Temperance is the fourteenth card in the deck and encourages the expressing of personal freedom, independence, and self-determination.

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“In moments of stress and anxiety, temper your emotions to find balance. Be patient.

You can’t get a lot done when you’re angry.”

This beautiful card shows a beautiful woman with wings spreading from both sides. In her hands she has two cups. The water from the cup in her right hand splashes up and out but flows down and is caught in the other cup in her right hand. Her dress is form fitting to her body, but it has a train that flows down and is surrounding her feet. Flowers seemingly grow from the train. She wears a clasp (square with a triangle inside). Above her head is an all-seeing eye.

The beautiful woman appears to be an angel. Angels represent a spiritual connection (inner voice or wisdom). She is using the cups to mix the water which makes me think she is trying to balance the amounts in the cups. The water flowing from the cups also represents nourishment. Water, after all, is needed to sustain life.

There are two meanings to the word temper. The first refers to your emotions (angry or mild temper). The second is to restrain or to moderate something with something else. When the Temperance card appears, there is a need to find balance in your life. In moments of stress and anxiety, temper your emotions to find balance. Be patient. You can’t get a lot done when you’re angry. If you are working in a room where everyone is at odds, then use your skills to calm the situation down.

Look for harmony today. When you are driving in traffic, take a moment to recognize that the person in front of you is not driving slow on purpose. I always envision my grandmother in the car in front of me (going exasperatingly slow) I project kind thoughts instead of road rage.

What can you temper in your life today? Think of tempered steel. The process of tempering steel, makes the steel stronger.

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