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Strength is card number eight in the deck. The number eight is a lucky number. It forms the sign of infinity. An eight resonates with inner-strength and inner wisdom.

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“Be prepared to face any threat (large or small) with determination. Mental and emotional strength expressed through compassion is required today.”

A young woman sits with a lion at her feet. An infinity sign is above her head. We can see a calm background of drifting clouds, a river, and mountains. The sky is bright with the colors of a sunset.

The woman on the card has encountered a great lion. Far from afraid, she pets the lion as if it is a regular house cat. Her fingers are tangled up in his fur and from his expression, you can almost see him purring in contentment. She was calm in her approach and the big cat has allowed her to massage his head. Neither the cat nor the young woman are afraid.

The Strength card is about inner strength. In the face of fear, act calmly and with love and you will gain the true strength of an integrated body and spirit. At this time force is not a match for spiritual strength. Through gentleness you will accomplish what force cannot.

This card is telling you to reach down deep. Use your inner strength to solve your problems. You cannot force a square peg into a round hole, so stop trying.

Take a look at today. Is there something that you have been putting off because you are afraid of an outcome? A phone call? An email?

Be prepared to face any threat (large or small) with determination. Mental and emotional strength expressed through compassion is required today.

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